It’s all great to talk about needing to resolve, and help others resolve, trauma but that’s much easier said than done. Working with a traumatised person to help them face, feel, and process what has happened to them in a way that helps them heal and move on from it is extremely complex and requires specialised expertise and training. Something that, unfortunately and surprisingly, even many psychologists and psychiatrists have never been trained for. However, being unable to do all of that, does not mean we, lay people, are unable to do anything.
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Getting Started: First Step
Aside from spreading awareness about the impact of trauma and how to get beyond it, through this website and the book I am working on, I also want to apply the knowledge to set real changes in motion. I am delighted that over the past year, I have gone from a powerful but vague sense of how to make a major difference in the world through addressing trauma to a very concrete plan for how I can do something about that in a practical sense. As it turns out, it lies at the heart of the work I have been doing for the past 18 years. Its outline still sounds grandiose and theoretical: Radical child protection reform that goes beyond addressing symptoms and kicking the can down the road. But I have found a simple, practical starting point.
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